You may be aware of the following bill travelling through Parliament. Of course many of us are aware that the term Parliament comes from the French word 'parler' meaning 'to speak'. Historically it meant simply a discussion group. 🙃🤔.
In 2025, here we are, with said discussion group discussing when our lives can be terminated.🙃🤔
Our Parliament has been in existence for several hundred years and the Members swear an Oath to the Crown.
The following explains the details:
The following Asks the pertinent question of Why (do) Members take an oath of allegiance?'. The question as you can see is not actually answered.
So the oath is manmade. There are some 3000 gods worshippedby people from around the world but there is only one Creator, Our Father. What did the one true loving almighty Father instruct us to do through his Son Jesus Christ in Matthew 5:34?
See as follows:
Now according to AI it says that the oath is a traditional way to invoke a supernatural power. It must surely be self evident that the oath removes Our Father from any discussions made by these people who sit and speak in a discussion totally contrary to God's Will
Now let's take a look at the Geneva Bible of 1599 as follows which clearly shows that Ephesians 6:12 has been altered from some ethereal supernatural concept to one that people might find easier to physically grasp.
Is it any wonder that King James approved of a new version.........
And prior to the Geneva Bible we had the Great Bible of 1539 and again please read what Ephesians 6:12 allegedly stated.
WE WRESTLE against WORLDLY RULERS but name a church leader who will share this 'hidden' information with their flock.
But please do not misunderstand what I'm saying. I'm not suggesting that anyone should not pray to God about the fact that this Bill WILL undoubtedly become law. Far from it. It is our Christian duty to share the truth about what is going on in these final days and share the Gospel because only through Jesus Christ alone can we be saved.
Let's not forget all those people who have died using the Do Not Resuscitate label placed on their records or at the bottom of their bed. Do Not Resuscitate is Assisted Dying is it not?
Many thanks
Caroline Stephens