Dear Mr Warman
There is no valid reason why you could not submit a FOIA request for me and the only reason you didn't is because you are a typical Tory MP ,ie lying scoundrel who has no balls. Stick your assistance up your ass and I won't bother you again and I will remember come General Election. I don't need you assistance either on the Vexatious BS which you and your government condone
Yours in disgust Dransfield
Dear Mr Dransfield,
Thank you for your email.
I am afraid it is not the role of MPs to submit Freedom of Information requests on behalf of constituents, although I note that the ICO continues to judge your queries as vexatious. As I have expressed previously, perhaps a change of tack will garner a different outcome.
Best wishes,
Matt Warman MP
Member of Parliament for Boston and Skegness
Falkland War 1000lb Bombs
At your earliest convenience, please submit this FOIA to the MOD.
Were any ships containing “The 1,000lb bomb” sunk during the conflict, creating a ‘Broken Arrow’ situation?
The reason I am seeking assistance from my MP to submit this FOI question is because I have been banned from using the FOIA by the ICO.Please submit my FOIA to the MOD.
With thanks
Yours sincerely
Alan M Dransfield