“They” continue to promote the illusion that humanity will one day be able colonize “Mars”
By 2029 they claim…
In order to successfully deceive the world, Satan must present the world with an unlimited timetable
To deceive billions, he must first trick billions into believing humanity is on the verge of advancement
In simpler terms: he must trick the world into believing there is more time left than there is
In reality, the time we have left couldn’t be shorter. The signs of the last days are all around us
Satan knows his time is extremely limited and will do anything to convince us otherwise
“Colonizing Mars” is an illusion to (attempt to) hide the last days and to trick man into believing he can live longer in the flesh apart from God
What will happen when the judgement of God begins to be poured out? Will “they” say the Earth has reached its final phase and humanity must migrate to Mars in order to survive?
Many, instead of looking to the Lord for deliverance will look to man for deliverance…