Mankind is responsible for three mega threats to the survival of man. One of them is not Global Warming. They are toxic waste, pollution and overpopulation in the 3rd world who cannot feed and look after their children. Manmade CO2 is being accused of being the cause of catastrophic damage to the world’s future. Is it? However, we surely need more CO2 in the air? At the moment future environmental events are all purely speculation or built on models based on past events.
COP26 ties U.K. taxpayers to punishing #NetZero targets – £20k boilers, £50k to insulate your house, £50k electric cars, heat pumps that do not work when the air gets cold- while the world’s biggest polluters utterly ignore it????
Anthropogenic Global Warming is essentially a creature of The New World Order.
So why is CO2 now regarded as the cause of Global warming – that is if it really is the cause of warming? The last Ice Age ended about 12000 years ago and we have had a fairly benign and stable climate since. There have been many extreme events before the Ice Age of floods, wildfires, warm and cold periods far greater than in our very recent history AD.
Why are there so few scientific papers, if any, refuting Global Warming? No scientist would get any funding to carry out such a project and may even lose his job???
Net Zero is to stop the temperature of the world going up by 1 degree. During the Holocene Optimum 6000 years ago the world temperature went up by over at least a degree to what it is today. The same in the time of the Roman empire and the Medieval Period when civilisations blossomed.
If in 30 years’ time the earth’s temperature is only 1 degree hotter how will we know whether that is the result of man’s efforts or just the result of the earth’s natural temperature cycles?
COP26 Now 1 minute to midnight – yet again
Note – read the list – Prior to 1988, a coming Ice Age was the big fear and virtually no mention of Global Warming. After 1989 suddenly the Ice Age was no longer mentioned but Global warming appears. WHY?
It was of serious concern to the Environmentalists that none of their scares had happened so in 1991, the Club of Rome, a group of ‘elite’ individuals (seems to be a New World Order leaning Think Tank of self-appointed ‘experts’ linked to the Vatican and/or the UN?), published a book called ‘The First Global Revolution.’ In that book, they admitted they were looking for a cause in order to frighten the world’s population into accepting the New World Order as their saviour. Take a look at the following statement from the 1991 book:
“In searching for a common enemy against whom we can unite, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like, would fit the bill. In their totality and their interactions, these phenomena do constitute a common threat which must be confronted by everyone together.” (The First Global Revolution – A Report by the Council of the Club of Rome, p.75). They settled on Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW)– warming due to man’s activities. (book available vailable at Amazon).
CO2 gas is an essential ingredient that is required for all vegetation to grow. Currently, at 400ppm but if it drops below 100ppm plants cease to grow.
350 million years ago in the Carboniferous Age, the CO2 level was about 20 – 30 times what it is now. The world did not boil over but there was an explosive growth of trees for 50 million years. These died, fell over, got covered, and in time became compressed into coal and lignite.
Coal is essential for steel making in the UK but the government will not allow the mining of coking coal in Cumbria so steel will have to be imported.
Mick Greenhough – to be continued in Part 2
Definition of Nazism
: the body of political and economic doctrines held and put into effect by the Nazis in Germany from 1933 to 1945 including the totalitarian principle of government, predominance of especially Germanic groups assumed to be racially superior, and supremacy of the führer- NOW AS IT WAS IN WW11 IT WAS AMERICA WHO CLASSED THEMSELVES AS THE ONLY NARRATIVE THEY WANT AND THEIR ALLIES WHO WANT AMERICA TO TAKEOVER THE ENTIRE WORLD AND KEEP IT AND REMOVE ANY OTHER NARRATIVE LIKE BEING OVERWHELMED BY DEMONS WHICH IS WHO BIBLE PUTS IT. RUSSIA TRYING TO DENAZIFY UKRAINE AND DEMILITARISE IT. BY INSTALLING LGBT IN SCHOOLS THEY HAVE REMOVED ANY OTHER NARRATIVE FROM MANY CHILDREN