This is a short email today. I realise people may be struggling to read all the important information that I'm sending through. Yes, important facts cannot be condensed into MSM soundbites such as 'Trump is cancelling vaccine Mandates'. 😃 The devil is ALWAYS in the detail as anyone in politics should, I'm sure, testify to.
Too many people are becoming aware of the side effects of the Covid-19 vaccination. We all know someone adversely impacted by now and the establishment are changing their tactics, that's all. The details are:
As I mentioned on my website yesterday in this article in fact
people will undoubtedly be celebrating 🍾 at the withdrawal of any Vaccine mandate in USA. It is ironic since Trump signed Operation Warpspeed in the first place so that should make you sit up and ask why/ what is happening really? We are God's people with enquiring brains 🧐. Now most of us here on the email circuit don't live in USA so that's seemingly great for people in the USA but for everyone else? No matter, as my last article showed, you are what you eat; behind the scenes, poultry will now receive a gene editing vaccination re avian flu. Pirbright Institute (Rothschild funded Institute) yet again has been involved with avian flu experiments here in the UK. The vaccines will genetically modify the birds (gene editing) and then you will eat the chicken. This particular announcement also from the USA was made on 10th February and Trump's withdrawal was announced on 19th February. Of course these two announcements are unconnected 😀. I jest.
This is going to cause an impact on our health long term.
Let's not forget
What about the cancer vaccines to include mRNA and since 1 in 5 people get some form of cancer....
Cancer jab (mRNA) - round up of current news as follows:
More on 'you are what you eat'.
USA must surely be the sick man of the world after reading my article 😳
It certainly is not the land of milk and honey as anyone you meet 'off the beaten track' in USA will testify. The UK's poverty is not quite comparable with their homelessness and their public transport...... Yet Trump could have made it great again in 2016 - 2020, couldn't he?
Take a look at what's happening in Victoria
But after a review of the state’s laws, the so-called “gag clause”, which prevented Victorian doctors from discussing voluntary assisted dying (VAD) unless asked by their patient, will be LIFTED.🙃
They've been making us sick for years with the food that we eat, the water we drink, the air that we breathe, the vaccines we now accept which all affects our health. The average mortality rate is now decreasing. 'We are not living longer anymore'. The kicker is they want to discuss with us how we can end our lives so they can stop paying our pensions.
So how do you know whether you're eating GMO chickens/eggs? Well, in last night's article:
near the end it said that Roslin Institute way back in 2019 had GMO eggs.
I'll quote:
Gene-Edited Chickens Are Here
The first gene-edited chickens are scheduled to hatch at the Roslin Institute at The University of Edinburgh in Scotland. The designer birds have been modified to resist flu, which spreads rapidly among CAFO (concentrated animal feeding operation) birds and has the potential to be transmitted to humans.
Of course this Institute is named after a village with the freemasonic Rosslyn Chapel of Dan Brown The Da Vinci Code fame.
What else have we got to look forward to? Well the Bible says that 1 in 3 will perish so I'd best leave it there.
Revelation 9:18.
Signs of tribulation? Great hardship / surveillance, microchips.
In the UK, shops and banks are closing at an alarming rate. Anyway, all we can do is prepare and pray to God through his son, Jesus Christ. I don't know about you but time seems to be 'speeding up'.
I do hope you get the opportunity to read my emails. These are state actors we see on the world stage. That's what they actually call themselves, STATE ACTORS, in many of their briefings. Whether they are actors wearing masks or no masks, whether they are clones who have no soul, it is our position/ relationship with Our Creator which is of ultimate importance. Do we take Hollywood actors seriously when they play an acting role hence we should follow no Man.
If people don't realise what their game is by now they need to research the subject of eugenics which has been taking place since Daniel was thrown into the Lion's Den and way before then. Wars have been engineered/ invented to 'cull the herd'/ 'natural selection' right though to present day whereby DNR notices placed on patients beds.
CRISP gene editing. Please do research. The subject is absolutely crucial.