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Some Prominent Anti-Vaxers May Have Masonic Ties

Writer: Caroline StephensCaroline Stephens

Are We Being Played? The Academy of Divine Knowledge appears to be a Masonic organization whose teachers and associates include prominent anti-vaxers David Icke, Judy Mikovits, Del Bigtree, Alec Zeck, Dr. Christiane Northrup, Dr. Carrie Madej, and RFK Jr. see Makow comment below article by CR ( This video by Sgt. Michelle Foy exposes some of the most popular anti vax media personalities as New Agers and fake Christians. Many are linked to the suspicious Academy of Divine Knowledge including RFK Jr., Sacha Stone, and Dr. Carrie Madej. As Texe Marrs explains (New Age Movement is Jewish), the New Age movement is based on Kabbalah, a Jewish school of mystical thought. Followers of Kabbalah include Madonna, the Clintons, Donald Trump, and Albert Pike, author of “Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry.” Are these people involved in Kabbalah? And what are the implications of this? Read and judge for yourself. ACADEMY OF DIVINE KNOWLEDGE The other teachers are an assortment of psychic mediums, yoga instructors, remote viewers, and random new age kooks. One of the remote viewers, Michael Jaco, just happens to be a former CIA operative. Nothing suspicious here, right?

The Academy’s logo is a hexagram in a circle, most commonly known as the Star of David. However, this is not a Jewish organization per se. They also charge $33 per month for membership, a very odd number considering the reference to Freemasonry.

The FAQ on their site explains that the price is $33/month because 33 is a Master Number that holds many divine meanings – one of which is that “all things are possible.” This resonates strongly with our community as we pursue the idea that our Academy can create massive shifts in humanity as a collective.

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